It's All About the Sprout!
One of the most important areas in the nutritional field is the subject of grains, especially for our livestock animals. This subject has been misunderstood by nutritionists for quite some time. It has unfortunately become a controversial subject in the agricultural community. Here at Sun Roads Farmory, we believe that education and understanding is a great answer to controversy. Once the facts are presented in a way that is understandable, the individual is then able to make an informed decision. This is our goal here on the nutrition page.
As information about sprouting is becoming more readily available, people are finding out that the only way to unlock the vital nutrients we expect from grains is to sprout them first.
Sprouting grains is not a new idea. It has been practiced for centuries. Ancient cultures used sprouting to extract the available nutrients from their seeds and nuts. Historically, the cultures who did not do this experienced mineral deficiencies and growth problems.
From an agricultural viewpoint, large companies that manufacture animal feed have taken a strong stand against sprouting grains. It is not for us to guess the motive behind that mindset. We are not joining this conversation with an argumentative stance. Rather, we would only like to share the facts behind this ancient agricultural practice. Our goal is to improve the health of your livestock herd in a way that saves you money and improves the health of your animals at the same time! We have spent many years and believe we have the best system on the market to do just that!
Please accept our invitation to learn all you can about this way of caring for your animals!
Why Bother?
It seems like everywhere we turn, we’re hearing health, health, health. We hear about how we should adopt a certain eating plan — and a week later, that changes! We know the controversy that plagues America over healthcare costs and benefits.
Now we’re talking health for your animals. Sometimes it all seems like too much! But wait! There is a good reason!
When our herds are living at optimum health, our costs are cut dramatically! We aren’t having to purchase expensive medicines and always have a vet on stand-by.
However, saving money is not a controversial subject. Who doesn’t want that? We offer savings that almost seem too good to be true. But along with it, absolute superior nutrition for your herd.
Keep reading, let us show you how!

Starter Germ
Salute the Kernel
In the center of the kernel, you see the Starter Germ. This little power-house has enough nutrition to feed the seed for 6 days after it has sprouted and is now beginning to grow!
You’ll also see in the diagram that this kernel has a Hard Outer Shell. This outer shell was created to protect the little seed. That’s why it can sit forever and still sprout years later once water is added.
This is all sounding simple enough, right? Great!
Let’s keep going!
There are two substances on that outer shell that we will be talking about next:
1. Enzyme Inhibitors
2. Phylates
Don’t worry!! Don’t stop reading! This is all going to make perfect sense and be very simple! Here we go!
Enzyme Inhibitors
Before we discuss enzyme inhibitors, let’s find out exactly what an enzyme is!
An enzyme is a substance similar to a protein that allows nourishment to easily move around and feed the entire body. They allow biochemical changes to occur in the body. There are thousands of different kinds and they allow all the systems, organs, and tissues in the body to communicate with each other! Enzymes are very important to the body; they ensure everything is working the way it was made to work!
Where do these enzymes come from? Many come from food.
So… enzyme inhibitors inhibit, or stop, all these enzymes from doing their jobs. The enzyme inhibitors on the hard outer shell of a piece of grain were made to protect and keep the starter germ pure until it starts growing. But when that shell is eaten, it does some pretty nasty stuff inside the body.
It binds to enzymes that are found in the food we feed our animals. Once bound, these enzymes are no longer usable to the animal’s body, therefore inhibiting them! Without these enzymes, the systems of the body are now unable to communicate with one another and dysfunction begins. These enzyme inhibitors have just suppressed the body’s ability to function at peak performance! This is the beginning of sicknesses and disease in the body! Even cattle, with their 4 chambered stomachs, are no match for these enzyme inhibitors. They simply weren’t meant to be digested!
Phytates… another big word that we aren't familiar with in our everyday vocabulary. What in the world is a phytate?
Phytates are found in the hard outer shell of a piece of grain. These guys are just as bad as the enzyme inhibitors above. Let’s see how they work.
When eaten, phytates combine with the calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and especially zinc contained in the food that was just consumed. Many cattle operation bosses will tell you that lack of zinc is well-known to cause hoof rot! You can feed your cows zinc all day long, but as long as they’re eating grain with phytates in the shells, that zinc is going right out the tail end of your animal!
These phytates bind the minerals in the intestines and makes them insoluable, or unable to be absorbed into the animal’s system! Losing all these minerals leads to many illnesses, one of the worst is bone loss!
Please select one of the links below to learn even more about how our sprouted grass will help your livestock herd.
A little kernel of grain can tell quite a story! Did you know that people have found grain in the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt? When they added water to those very grains, they actually began to sprout and grow! How can that be?
The simple diagram at the left will give us the beginning to this explanation.
Important! Please Read This Notice!
All information provided in these articles is based either on personal experience or information provided by others whose treatments and practices have been discussed fully with a vet for accuracy and effectiveness before passing them on to our readers.
In all cases, it is your responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. Sun Roads Farmory is not a veterinarian facility. Neither nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein.